Dew provides products and services to keep industrial water and wastewater treatment systems operating efficiently. Our approach integrates the latest in chemical and physical treatment programs with automated controls, monitoring technology, and experienced service.
Identifying Quality and Quantity Requirement
Total Water Management is a comprehensive strategy to cost effectively manage all aspects of a company’s water related issues. From pretreatment of process feed water (i.e., industrial water) to the clarification of plant effluent (i.e., industrial wastewater). The first step in developing a strategy is identifying where your water usage occurs. Numerous areas within your facility may utilize water, but do you know how much water each area uses and the quality of water needed? Dew can perform a comprehensive water balance study to help you answer these questions and determine the best methods for handling pretreatment and wastewater.
The Problem
While water plays a vital role in a business’ industrial processes, water and wastewater management is not a core business function. Permit violations, personnel requirements, systems and equipment design, monitoring costs, and other aspects of water and wastewater management can be an expensive liability for a company.
Dew Solution
Dew’s combines the best available water and wastewater treatment technologies with operational expertise in an effective and economical manner. Our programs are designed to meet dynamic process quality demands, protect equipment, and achieve compliant discharge with minimal waste generation. Moreover, Dew continuously focuses on identifying opportunities for improvement and cost savings.
- Efficient and flexible water and wastewater treatment systems, complete with design, installation, startup services, and web-based remote monitoring
- Cost-effective chemical programs for water and wastewater treatment, membrane cleaning, heating, cooling, and recirculation systems
- Worry-free water and wastewater treatment with operations contracting that utilizes trained, experienced operators
- Expert environmental regulatory assistance (e.g. training and reporting)
With Dew, you can rest assured that your water and wastewater treatment needs are expertly addressed, optimizing performance while minimizing costs and environmental impact.