
Training & Updates

Industrial water and wastewater treatment involves complex chemical, physical, and biological processes. Meeting water quality standards require more sophisticated and sensitive water and wastewater treatment processes. Chemical precipitation processes must be improved and refined to meet the current standards. Reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and chemical neutralization will be used more extensively. Wastewater treatment plant operators at industrial facilities must have a firm understanding of existing and upcoming technologies.

Our course details the chemical and physical processes involved, reviews specific applications, provides practical guidance, and examines safety and health considerations, pollution prevention implications, and impacts on other environmental media. We aim to equip participants with a solid understanding of industrial wastewater treatment technologies, enabling them to address challenges effectively.

Course Offered

  • Basic Water Chemistry
  • Pretreatment Plants (PTP)
  • Softener Unit
  • Demineralization Systems
  • UF/Microfiltration
  • Reverse Osmosis Operation
  • Reverse Osmosis Cleaning
  • Boiler Water Treatment
  • Cooling Water Treatment
  • Laboratory Analysis
  • Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)
  • Waste Water Treatment Systems
  • Sewage Treatment Systems
  • Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
  • Analysis of basic chemical concepts
  • Techniques to identify and manage chemical hazards
  • Advanced chemical treatment processes
  • Summary of valuable references and resources

Our custom training module can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of our clients and can be conducted at their premises for added convenience.

Join us to explore the intricacies of industrial wastewater treatment and gain valuable insights into optimizing your treatment processes.